
is jeff gordon gay

Dale Earnhardt Sr. once joked almost Jeff Gordon existence gay

When Jeff Gordon was coming up through the ranks, Dale Earnhardt Sr. fabricated a joke about Jeff Gordon's sexuality, when it was revealed he was dating a model.

When Jeff Gordon busted onto the scene in NASCAR during the early on ninety's, fans weren't equally warm to him as they are at present. Gordon was breaking through into a sport dominated by tough men who weren't afraid to fight for their living. It was a sport that was not gear up for a kid to come in and dominate.

With Gordon's success at such an early historic period, entailed getting the business from the senior members of NASCAR at the time. That meant getting jokes made about him and fans of those veteran drivers to boo and heckle him on a weekly ground.

For NASCAR at this time, belonged to the tardily great Dale Earnhardt Sr. Earnhardt Sr. dominated the rails on a weekly basis and collected championships en road to a bully career. He wasn't afraid to dorsum down from anyone and he certainly had no qualms virtually messing with a immature driver similar Jeff Gordon, whose early success gave ascent to contest between him and Earnhardt Sr.

That's why when it was revealed that Jeff Gordon was dating one Miss Winston, Brooke Sealey, Earnhardt Sr. decided to take a jab at Gordon'south dating preferences, which is highlighted in this week's outcome of Sports Illustrated, which has a nifty feature on Jeff Gordon's career.

After the '93 flavour concluded, Gordon revealed that he had been dating Brooke Sealey. Because of her chore as Miss Winston—ane of the models in the utilise of NASCAR's superlative sponsor, whose duties included handing out trophies in Victory Lane—they had to keep the human relationship on the downwards low. When they made it public after the season, Earnhardt quipped, "Some of us were kickoff to wonder if you liked girls." That gave ammo to the Fans Against Gordon army, a non-and so-enlightened gang that delighted in bearing signs and stickers with Gordon's picture and the group's acronym.

While it was simply a subtle jab from the elder statesman of the sport to Gordon, it showed that to earn his spot amongst the aristocracy in the sport, he would have to pay his dues and earn his place.

Dale Earnhardt Sr. was one of the well-nigh honey drivers in the sport. His racing transcended NASCAR and really helped catapult it into a mainstream affair for sports fans effectually the globe. While he was giving Gordon a hard fourth dimension every bit a youngster, Earnhardt Sr. understood the talent that Gordon had and had respect for his driving abilities.

So while Earnhardt Sr. fabricated a gay joke to Jeff Gordon, at that fourth dimension for Gordon, it was all part of the procedure of earning the respect of his fellow drivers.


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